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Our goal is to visit all the US states (or at least the lower 48) and as many National Parks as we can before time runs out. We have no idea when our time will run out for even the Bible tells us we don't know what tomorrow brings (The Book of James, Chapter 4). So to be on the safe side, we will say "Lord willing, we will eventually visit all of the US states". We started our adventures together in 2006 and as of 2025, this is our current tally:

43 US States   -   26 National Parks

The US states we have been to are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

43 states and 26 National Parks

Below is a list of all the National Parks we have been to thus far, in the order in which we saw them.

  1. Great Smoky Mountains National Park
  2. Shenandoah National Park
  3. Hot Springs National Park
  4. Gateway Arch National Park
  5. Badlands National Park
  6. Wind Cave National Park
  7. Yellowstone National Park
  8. Grand Teton National Park
  9. Arches National Park
  10. Canyonlands National Park
  11. Capitol Reef National Park
  12. Bryce Canyon National Park
  13. Zion National Park
  14. Grand Canyon National Park
  15. Petrified Forest National Park
  16. Mesa Verde National Park
  17. Carlsbad Caverns National Park
  18. Guadalupe Mountains National Park
  19. Everglades National Park
  20. Biscayne National Park
  21. Dry Tortugas National Park*
  22. Mammoth Cave National Park
  23. Big Bend National Park
  24. White Sands National Park
  25. Saguaro National Park
  26. Joshua Tree National Park
* We only went to the port to Dry Tortugas and not actually out to the fort. At $150-$175 per person to ride the ferry out there, we felt it was simply not worth it. Maybe one day when we win the lottery, we will acatually visit the fort.

In the future, we will pick up the remaining states of Oregon, Washington, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Alaska and Hawaii as well as the following National Parks:

  1. Death Valley National Park
  2. Sequoia National Park
  3. Kings Canyon National Park
  4. Pinnacles National Park
  5. Yosemite National Park
  6. Lassen Volcanic National Park
  7. Redwoods National Park
  8. Crater Lake National Park
  9. Mount Rainier National Park
  10. Olympic National Park
  11. North Cascades National Park
  12. Glacier National Park
  13. Theodore Roosevelt National Park
  14. Rocky Mountain National Park
  15. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
  16. Great Sand Dunes National Park
We will also travel through quite a few other states in our travels, but we don't mention the ones we have already been to.

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