Personal Ride Challenge
UPDATE: On July 16th, 2013 Jerry was hit by a truck while riding the Kymco scooter. The other driver claimed he didn't see Jerry until he hit him. The guy roared out from a side road in an attempt to beat a car coming from the other direction and broadsided Jerry. The scooter went under the front of the truck and Jerry was sent flying. Jerry's injuries were severe but not life threatening. And because of this accident, our 2013 Ride Challenge went unfinished. Here is a video of part of the ambulance ride to the ER.
Every year we like to try to complete a grand adventure of some sort. Now what might be grand to us may not be grand to you, but that's OK. We get to pick what we want to do and you get to pick what you want to do. :)
A fellow rider came up with this idea. His original idea allowed you to earn imaginary points for visiting certain places on your bike, even allowing you to accumulate more points by visiting the same type of places. For example, you get 5 points for visiting a post office and you can visit up to 10 different post offices for a total of 50 points in that category. Well, we didn't care for that aspect of his idea because we feel if you have seen to one post office, you've pretty much seen to them all. They just aren't that different. So, we will document just 1 entry per category since we are not interested in a points total at the end.
Down below are the objectives. We checked them off as we completed them and link to a picture as proof. We had from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 to get this done. As always, we ride as time and weather permits. We were using both bikes to do this challenge, a 2012 Kymco Like 200i scooter and a 2012 Can Am Spyder RT-S SE5 roadster. There may even be an odd time where we were in the van or the car and not on one of the bikes.
Now for the list:
Items with a green check were completed. Blank boxes were not.

A town with only 3 letters in the name.

A town name that contains a
fruit or vegetable.

A town name that contains a

A town name that contains an animal.

A town name that contains a

A mile marker sign that is 0 or

state park.

A national park,
national forest, parkway or trail.

Your bike on a

Visit all 4 of these towns: Waterloo, Long Island, Lucy and
Dauphin Island.

post office.

historical marker.

A historical marker with one of these names on it: Washington, Lincoln or
Jackson. (
Wide Shot)

water tower that is not simply a solid color.

covered bridge.

A restaurant that has at least one of these words in the name: Dixie, Rebel,
Possum or Turd.

A town name that contains the
name of a state.


military vehicle on public display.

county boundary sign.

courthouse with a clock as part of the structure.

A statue of a horse with a rider on it.

statue of a soldier, but not a grave marker.

gas station with the price of $2.80 or less.

man-made dam.

The following state lines:

geographical center of Alabama.

A picture of our bike and a natural rainbow.

speedway, drag strip or race track.

A picture of our bike with the ocean in the background.

A 5-way intersection.

A picture of you at a university displaying the colors of a different university.

highest point in Alabama.

casino or a bingo hall.

grave from the 1700s.

grave from the 1800s.

speed limit sign not ending in a 5 or 0.

A street sign with your
first, middle or last name on it.

sign that has Bama on it.

A sign with the
Alabama state motto.

Visit St. Nick's Knife Factory.

Visit the memorial of Cudjo Lewis.

Visit a "
dogtrot" cabin.

Visit the Berman Museum. Take 1 outside photo, 1 of a Hitler item and 1 of a gun that fires around corners.

Visit the "
Spirit of the American Doughboy".

Find one of the
tiger statues in Auburn.

Nadine Earle's grave.

Visit the
grave of Fred, the town dog. (
Close up.)

Visit WT Mullins grave in Clayton.

Visit a
statue of an animal.

Visit the oldest 8 sided house in AL.

Find one of the peanut statues in Dothan.

Visit the
Boll Weevil monument.

Visit the grave of Largemouth Bass Leroy Brown.

Visit the Alabama Museum of Wonder.

Visit the
German POW Museum.

Visit the
Racist Police Dog statue.

931 Nassau Ave SW in Birmingham.

Riding our bike with no shirt or no pants.

Your bike with
blue police lights behind you.

A photo of yourself on a
carnival ride in riding gear.
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