The RV Road Trip Fulltimer's Blog for June 2011
I suppose other parts of the country are starting to heat up this time of year. It has been very hot down here in South Texas for quite a while. A relative of ours in Alabama posted a picture on Facebook showing the thermometer in her car at 101°. That's a little more than it usually is here. Even at upper 90s, our A/C sure is getting a work out. Oh well, the grass sure is green where it hits the ground!
Google came out with a way to rate your favorite web pages, it is called "+1". We added the little icons to the menu on the right of each page, so if you like the page you are on, you can click the little +1 icon and it will help us in search engine results. The +1 is only for the page you are on, not the whole site. So if you are on a different page and you like it as well, click that one, too.
Yesterday, one of our orders from Amazon arrived. I was the new Oxygenics shower head, a knife magnet and CJ's new spill proof water bowl. I immediately installed the shower head and oh how we enjoyed our shower last night. Whoever invented that thing should get a Nobel prize! Just now, UPS dropped off a package containing the RainKap. That will take me a day or so to install and I will post some pics later.

Cynthia had to go to the doctor last week about a weird pain she was having on her right side. The doctor immediately ordered a CT scan and it found a spot on her liver and a spot on her diaphragm. Cynthia is a breast cancer survivor so, of course, this made us nervous. The CT came back "inconclusive" so an MRI was performed this morning. We're waiting to hear back the results from that. Keep us in your prayers.
I started installing the RainKap today. I did the awning side of the camper since it would be the hardest to do, simply because I had to cut 2 pieces... one for each side of the awning. You can't really put it in the channel over the awning because when you roll up the awning, it would hit the RainKap. Not all campers are like this, though. Here are a couple of shots from ground level. Notice how it gives a little overhang so water will run off and fall to the ground instead of running down the sides.

Today is also laundry day and wash the dog day. After CJ gets his bath, we'll put his Frontline medicine on him. We always do that near the first of each month... the medicine that is, he gets a bath every week. Cynthia loves her clothes line that mounts to the rear bumper. With the heat and the breeze down here, they get dry very quickly. And they smell so fresh!
After a little consistent prodding from Cynthia, I got the satellite wired and connected. Wouldn't you know it, when I turned on the TV that danged House Hunters show was still on! That's what was on when we last watched satellite TV over a month ago. They were doing the same thing, looking at 3 houses, arguing amongst themselves then picking one and buying it. How many times can you watch somebody do that?? Personally, I don't think the show is real, it's just actors following a script.
I was outside the camper taking some pictures of the beautiful clouds the other day and decided to take a self portrait. Here are both shots, there are more pictures in the picture gallery under Mission Bell RV Resort.

And we both thank you all so much for the prayers!!

It was the sun reflecting off of a CD laying on the dinette table.

Be sure to check out the RVer's Library in the menu to the upper right. There's lots of good info for you in there and we'll be adding even more. The menu inside the library expands if you click the little plus signs, so be sure not to miss anything.
So far this month we have spent a whopping $12 on fuel for the scooter. At 70 MPG, a gallon and a half goes a long way. Multiple runs to the grocery store and the occasional scenic ride doesn't use too much gas. I usually ride early in the morning because by about 10 o'clock is is just too hot to ride. From 10 am to about 6 pm I make good use of the air conditioner. After dinner, we usually sit outside because the temps are very comfortable and the breeze/wind feels really good. It is not really any hotter here during the day than it was in Alabama, but in Alabama there is no breeze so you bake. Here, there is always at least a 15+ MPH wind and it really makes a difference.
We keep the trees on our lot watered so they stay nice and full, providing the motorhome with a significant amount of shade throughout the day. The birds love the sprinkler and they gather to catch the bugs and take baths. They are fun to watch in the evenings. Well, time for bed... see ya'll later! :)

I installed a Chicago Cutlery Knife Magnet in the kitchen for Cynthia. She has some very good knives and in order to keep the safe and sharp, they need to be properly stored. The slotted holder that was built into the RV is useless and it will also dull the knives. She had a knife magnet in our previous camper and was very happy to have one installed in this one.
I also completed the installation of a Black Tank Rinser. When draining the black tank (the poop tank), not everything always flows out when you open the drain valve. This new device will allow me to spray water into the tank and rinse out any remaining contents. As hot as it is around here, if you don't rinse out the tank, the stuff in there will dry out and smell worse that it already did.
I bought some Bar Keeper's Friend Cleanser to wash the camper with. It is very well reviewed and recommended by other RVers so I decided to give it a try. I will try to start cleaning the motorhome in sections and see how it does. I will do my best to take some before and after pictures.
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
He gave me my first pony ride in 1963.

He bought me the world's greatest Christmas presents!

He made sure I had the best birthdays!

He made sure my brother and I had the coolest bicycles.

Yes, James Dean aspired to be like my dad! Dad took me motorcycle riding!

And even though I outgrew my Dad, I will never be able to fill his shoes.

Dad helped me in so many ways, at times when I needed his help and times when I didn't think I needed it. I have always looked up to my Dad, admired my Dad and respected my Dad. I know he made mistakes along the way, but I can't seem to recall any of them. All I remember is the fantastic childhood he gave me, the love he has given me since day 1 and the support he has given me all through the years.
Some people casually toss out a phrase on Father's day, but I choose my words carefully. I truly have the greatest Dad of all. I love you, Dad!
For everyone else out there, my Dad reads the blog and even though I called him today, I wanted to do this for him.

More pictures were added to the Mission Bell RV Resort gallery and the Rio Grande Valley gallery. Check them out!
The Texas Oncology web site boldly claims "This is how Texans fight cancer". They fight it by turning their backs to the patient? Texas ought to be ashamed. Their phone number is 888-864-ICAN as in "I can send you away instead of treating you". As you can probably tell, I am very upset at Texas Oncology.
We got the PET scan scheduled for today at another hospital and we should have the results of it on the 30th.
After a very nice ride down Business 83 to 23rd Street in McAllen, I turned south towards Hidalgo. I knew I had gone too far when I came up on the US/Mexico border crossing. I waved at the Border Patrol and made a left turn and headed into downtown Hidalgo. I made my way to City Hall where I knew the bee was located. I parked in the parking lot marked "Parking Only for Official Government Business". Hey, I think visiting the World's Largest Killer Bee falls into that category. I hopped off the scooter and walked over to the bee. Yep, it is big. Here's the picture I took with the phone and while I was there, I also checked in on Gowalla.

Cynthia's follow-up appointment with the oncologist is today at 2:15pm. A friend is giving us a ride since we can't really take the scooter in the rain. We're praying the tests all come back negative and we know the Lord can make that happen, if it is His will. We certainly do appreciate all the kind words and prayers that many of you have sent. It sure is nice to have such a large, extended RV family. :)
RV Blog Archives
2017 JAN, FEB, MAR Please visit TabernacleFarm.com2016 JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC
2014 We did our massive 22 state and 15 national park road trip.
2013 We dealt with Jerry's wreck and thyroid cancer treatment.
2012 JAN, FEB, MAR, APR We stopped full-timing in April 2012.
2008 The Beginning