The RV Road Trip Blog - August 2010

Centreville still has a Western Auto store as well as a drug store with a soda fountain! Pretty cool! We like to visit old towns, especially towns that have a Town Square. I just wish I could step back in time and see what it was like during its prime.
We pulled the list of geocaches in the area and will work on finding them as soon as the temperature drops below 100! It is unbelievably hot... we have to let the water run for a bit because the water in the hose between the spigot and the camper is literally scalding hot. Cynthia's brother has a 24' round pool that is 4' deep and I have been in hot tubs that were cooler. As soon as we're sure we don't have any further doctor's appointments, we are high tailing it out of Alabama in search of cooler temperatures!

We rode to some out of the way places and saw some neat things. One was a Doppler Radar station and believe it or not, it had a small RV park behind it! There were about 5 RVs there and I guess they were used by hunters because we didn't see anyone there. We also found an old house next to the road and it had a hand pump over an old well. The pump no longer worked but it was still cool to see. I sure am thankful for modern plumbing!

We picked up the grand daughters today and will have them with us for 2 days. Our camper is parked at Cynthia's brother's house where he has hookups. The kids will sleep in his house since we have no room for them in our little camper. On the way from their house we stopped by Walmart for some goodies. The girls decided to play dress up... the 8 year old was trying to put on her best Al Capone face. :) That's the thing we miss most when full-timing... not seeing the grandkids as often as we'd like. Good thing we can talk on the phone a lot and use video conferencing!

The storm we arrived in brought lots of lightning with it. A giant bolt hit a tree about 100 yards from the camper, exploding the bark all over the place. None came near us but dang it sure was loud. Here's the tree...

We also rode through Tannehill State Park to see what our options would be over the Labor Day weekend and while there, we saw this mama deer and her 3 little ones.

We're scouting out places to go for the winter season. So far we have seriously looked at Mission, Texas; Harlingen, Texas; and Quartzsite, Arizona. We're not overly picky but we realize we will be there for about 6 months... November through April. All 3 locations have their pros and cons so either would be fine.
We already have our passports so we'll be sure to visit Mexico. Jerry has been to Cancun before but Cynthia has never been to Mexico at all. It will be a neat experience for both of us. Hopefully, we will be able to learn enough Spanish while we are there to be able to carry on a conversation with someone. Trying to teach ourselves on the computer isn't very effective.
One very important thing we did this week was get our son, Robby, moved into the Honors dorms at the University of Alabama. I did notice that it is much easier to move a boy in than it is a girl. I felt sorry for those parents with girls who were bringing in box after box after box after box after box of stuff. Robby had a TV, Xbox 360, laptop, a few sets of clothes and the basic toiletries. Oh, and a case of Mt. Dew. What more do you need? LOL Here is a pic of Jerry and his son, Robby. In 4 years he will be a Chemical Engineer and have a total college debt of $6,000.00. We are very thankful for all the scholarships he qualified for!

Now that Robby is all moved in and we have our winter plans all set, we can figure out what we are going to do for the next 3 months. We'll hang around this area until after Labor Day then slowly migrate towards Texas. I know... we'll start plotting out places to camp and things to see along the route we plan to take. I wonder what there is to see in Mississippi?
We added some pictures to the gallery under the heading "Bibb County" and "Foscue Park" Alabama. Since we are still at Foscue Park, more pictures will be added to that page in the coming week.
The weather finally cooperated and we got a little geocaching in today. There are lots of geocaches in Demopolis, Alabama and we had fun scootering around to find them. Cynthia got too hot around lunch time so took a break inside McDonalds. After that we headed back to the camper. We use our Droid X for geocaching and I have a holder on my scooter so I can see it while riding... but today I placed it in the holder and accidentally activated the camera. So here's a wonderful shot of the front of my scooter. That's the suction cup of the mount stuck to my speedometer and above that is the 12v outlet I wired up so I can keep the phone charged while riding. The little green light tells me when my blinker is blinking.


After we got settled in, we took the bicycles out for a spin through the park. It seems odd that such a big campground that is so empty now will be teeming with families in just a few short days. We don't mind the holiday crowds too much and if it does get too busy for us, we'll just retreat inside the camper.
The weather sure has cooled off and it is very comfortable out under the awning, even during the day. We like this! The air doesn't even kick on anymore at night and we are tempted to sleep with the windows open. This sure beats the 100° temps we had earlier this month. Our poor A/C never got a break. :)
There are 2 creeks that run through the campground and one has a spring that feeds into it. We walked over to the spring and took this picture. It is neat to see the water just bubbling up out of the ground. If you're ever here, be sure to see the spring.

We'll depart here on the 7th since we didn't want to be in the mad rush that leaves on the 6th. From here we're thinking about cruising on over to Mississippi and Arkansas before heading to Mission, Texas for the winter.
We rode bikes as well as the scooters and also visited the VW show that was there on Saturday. They got a kick out of the models that are mini campers. Someone had one painted up hippie style and they thought that was cute. Needless to say they had to pose for a picture! It was sad when they went back home but we sure do enjoy having them and we love them so much!

Out of all the pictures we took while they were with us, this is our favorite. We were all barefooted, standing on a rock at the Bubbling Springs. Jerry set the timer on the camera then jumped back into view just in time to snap this!
All the pictures we took are posted in the gallery, here's a direct link.
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2014 We did our massive 22 state and 15 national park road trip.
2013 We dealt with Jerry's wreck and thyroid cancer treatment.
2012 JAN, FEB, MAR, APR We stopped full-timing in April 2012.
2008 The Beginning